The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book Part 3: The History of Urantia
57. The Origin of Urantia
The Origin of Urantia
1. The Andronover Nebula
2. The Primary Nebular Stage
3. The Secondary Nebular Stage
4. Tertiary and Quartan Stages
5. Origin of the Urantia Solar System
6. The Solar System Stage
7. The Meteoric Era
8. Crustal Stabilization
58. Life Establishment on Urantia
Life Establishment on Urantia
1. Physical-Life Prerequisites
2. The Urantia Atmosphere
3. Spatial Environment
4. The Life-Dawn Era
5. The Continental Drift
6. The Transition Period
7. The Geologic History Book
59. The Marine-Life Era on Urantia
The Marine-Life Era on Urantia
1. Early Marine Life in the Shallow Seas
2. The First Continental Flood Stage
3. The Second Great Flood Stage
4. The Crustal-Shifting Stage
5. The Climatic Transition Stage
60. Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era
Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era
1. The Early Reptilian Age
2. The later Reptilian Age
3. The Cretaceous Stage
4. The End of the Chalk Period
61. The Mammalian Era on Urantia
The Mammalian Era on Urantia
1. The New Continental Land Stage
2. The Recent Flood Stage
3. Recent Continental-Elevation Stage
4. The Early Ice Age
5. Primitive Man in the Ice Age
6. The Continuing Ice Age
62. The Dawn Races of Early Man
The Dawn Races of Early Man
1. The Early Lemur Types
2. The Dawn Mammals
3. The Mid-Mammals
4. The Primates
5. The First Human Beings
6. Evolution of the Human Mind
7. Recognition as an Inhabited World
63. The First Human Family
The First Human Family
1. Andon and Fonta
2. The Flight of the Twins
3. Andon's Family
4. The Andonic Clans
5. Dispersion of the Andonites
6. Onagar—The First Truth Teacher
7. The Survival of Andon and Fonta
64. The Evolutionary Races of Color
The Evolutionary Races of Color
1. The Andonic Aborigines
2. The Foxhall Peoples
3. The Badonan Tribes
4. The Neanderthal Races
5. Origin of the Colored Races
6. The Six Sangik Races of Urantia
7. Dispersion of the Colored Races
65. The Overcontrol of Evolution
The Overcontrol of Evolution
1. Life Carrier Functions
2. The Evolutionary Panorama
3. The Fostering of Evolution
4. The Urantia Adventure
5. Life-Evolution Vicissitudes
6. Evolutionary Techniques of Life
7. Evolutionary Mind Levels
8. Evolution in Time and Space
66. The Planetary Prince of Urantia
The Planetary Prince of Urantia
1. Prince Caligastia
2. The Prince's Staff
3. Dalamatia—The City of the Prince
4. Early Days of the One Hundred
5. The Prince's Reign
6. Life in Dalamatia
7. Misfortunes of Caligastia
67. The Planetary Rebellion
The Planetary Rebellion
1. The Caligastia Betrayal
2. The Outbreak of Rebellion
3. The Seven Crucial Years
4. Fate of the Caligastia One Hundred
5. Immediate Results of Rebellion
6. Van—The Steadfast
7. Remote Repercussions of Sin
8. The Human Hero of the Rebellion
68. The Dawn of Civilization
The Dawn of Civilization
1. Protective Socialization
2. Factors in Social Progression
3. Socializing Influence of Ghost Fear
4. Evolution of the Mores
5. Land Techniques—Maintenance Arts
6. Evolution of Culture
69. Primitive Human Institutions
Primitive Human Institutions
1. Basic Human Institutions
2. The Dawn of Industry
3. The Specialization of Labor
4. The Beginnings of Trade
5. The Beginnings of Capital
6. Fire in Relation to Civilization
7. The Utilization of Animals
8. Slavery as a Factor in Civilization
9. Private Property
70. The Evolution of Human Government
The Evolution of Human Government
1. The Genesis of War
2. The Social Value of War
3. Early Human Associations
4. Clans and Tribes
5. The Beginnings of Government
6. Monarchial Government
7. Primitive Clubs and Secret Societies
8. Social Classes
9. Human Rights
10. Evolution of Justice
11. Laws and Courts
12. Allocation of Civil Authority
71. Development of the State
Development of the State
1. The Embryonic State
2. Representative Government
3. The Ideals of Statehood
4. Progressive Civilization
5. The Evolution of Competition
6. The Profit Motive
7. Education
8. The Character of Statehood
72. Government on a Neighboring Planet
Government on a Neighboring Planet
1. The Continental Nation
2. Political Organization
3. The Home Life
4. The Educational System
5. Industrial Organization
6. Old-Age Insurance
7. Taxation
8. The Special Colleges
9. The Plan of Universal Suffrage
10. Dealing with Crime
11. Military Preparedness
12. The Other Nations
73. The Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden
1. The Nodites and the Amadonites
2. Planning for the Garden
3. The Garden Site
4. Establishing the Garden
5. The Garden Home
6. The Tree of Life
7. The Fate of Eden
74. Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem
2. Arrival of Adam and Eve
3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet
4. The First Upheaval
5. Adam's Administration
6. Home Life of Adam and Eve
7. Life in the Garden
8. The Legend of Creation
75. The Default of Adam and Eve
The Default of Adam and Eve
1. The Urantia Problem
2. Caligastia's Plot
3. The Temptation of Eve
4. The Realization of Default
5. Repercussions of Default
6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden
7. Degradation of Adam and Eve
8. The So-Called Fall of Man
76. The Second Garden
The Second Garden
1. The Edenites enter Mesopotamia
2. Cain and Abel
3. Life in Mesopotamia
4. The Violet Race
5. Death of Adam and Eve
6. Survival of Adam and Eve
77. The Midway Creatures
The Midway Creatures
1. The Primary Midwayers
2. The Nodite Race
3. The Tower of Babel
4. Nodite Centers of Civilization
5. Adamson and Ratta
6. The Secondary Midwayers
7. The Rebel Midwayers
8. The United Midwayers
9. The Permanent Citizens of Urantia
78. The Violet Race After the Days of Adam
Violet Race After the Days of Adam
1. Racial and Cultural Distribution
2. The Adamites in the Second Garden
3. Early Expansion of the Adamites
4. The Andites
5. The Andite Migrations
6. The Last Andite Dispersions
7. The Floods in Mesopotamia
8. The Sumerians—Last of the Andites
79. Andite Expansion in the Orient
Andite Expansion in the Orient
1. The Andites of Turkestan
2. The Andite Conquest of India
3. Dravidian India
4. The Aryan Invasion of India
5. Red Man and Yellow Man
6. Dawn of Chinese Civilization
7. The Andites Enter China
8. Later Chinese Civilization
80. Andite Expansion in the Occident
Andite Expansion in the Occident
1. The Adamites Enter Europe
2. Climatic and Geologic Changes
3. The Cro-Magnoid Blue Man
4. The Andite Invasions of Europe
5. Andite Conquest of Northern Europe
6. The Andites Along the Nile
7. Andites of the Mediterranean Isles
8. The Danubian Andonites
9. The Three White Races
81. Development of Modern Civilization
Development of Modern Civilization
1. The Cradle of Civilization
2. The Tools of Civilization
3. Cities, Manufacture, and Commerce
4. The Mixed Races
5. Cultural Society
6. The Maintenance of Civilization
82. The Evolution of Marriage
The Evolution of Marriage
1. The Mating Instinct
2. The Restrictive Taboos
3. Early Marriage Mores
4. Marriage Under the Property Mores
5. Endogamy and Exogamy
6. Racial Mixtures
83. The Marriage Institution
The Marriage Institution
1. Marriage as a Societal Institution
2. Courtship and Betrothal
3. Purchase and Dowry
4. The Wedding Ceremony
5. Plural Marriages
6. True Monogamy—Pair Marriage
7. The Dissolution of Wedlock
8. The Idealization of Marriage
84. Marriage and Family Life
Marriage and Family Life
1. Primitive Pair Associations
2. The Early Mother-Family
3. The Family Under Father Dominance
4. Woman's Status in Early Society
5. Woman Under the Developing Mores
6. The Partnership of Man and Woman
7. The Ideals of Family Life
8. The Dangers of Self-Gratifications
85. The Origins of Worship
The Origins of Worship
1. Worship of Stones and Hills
2. Worship of Plants and Trees
3. The Worship of Animals
4. Worship of the Elements
5. Worship of the Heavenly Bodies
6. Worship of Man
7. Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom
86. Early Evolution of Religion
Early Evolution of Religion
1. Chance: Good Luck and Bad Luck
2. The Personification of Chance
3. Death—The Inexplicable
4. The Death-Survival Concept
5. The Ghost-Soul Concept
6. The Ghost-Spirit Environment
7. The Function of Primitive Religion
87. The Ghost Cults
The Ghost Cults
1. Ghost Fear
2. Ghost Placation
3. Ancestor Worship
4. Good and Bad Spirit Ghosts
5. The Advancing Ghost Cult
6. Coercion and Exorcism
7. Nature of Cultism
88. Fetishes, Charms, and Magic
Fetishes, Charms, and Magic
1. Belief in Fetishes
2. Evolution of the Fetish
3. Totemism
4. Magic
5. Magical Charms
6. The Practice of Magic
89. Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement
Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement
1. The Taboo
2. The Concept of Sin
3. Renunciation and Humiliation
4. Origins of Sacrifice
5. Sacrifices and Cannibalism
6. Evolution of Human Sacrifice
7. Modifications of Human Sacrifice
8. Redemption and Covenants
9. Sacrifices and Sacraments
10. Forgiveness of Sin
90. Shamanism—Medicine Men and Priests
Shamanism—Medicine Men, Priests
1. The First Shamans—Medicine Men
2. Shamanistic Practices
3. Shamanic Theory of Disease, Death
4. Medicine Under the Shamans
5. Priests and Rituals
91. The Evolution of Prayer
The Evolution of Prayer
1. Primitive Prayer
2. Evolving Prayer
3. Prayer and the Alter Ego
4. Ethical Praying
5. Social Repercussions of Prayer
6. The Province of Prayer
7. Mysticism, Ecstasy, and Inspiration
8. Praying as a Personal Experience
9. Conditions of Effective Prayer
92. The Later Evolution of Religion
The Later Evolution of Religion
1. The Evolutionary Nature of Religion
2. Religion and the Mores
3. Nature of Evolutionary Religion
4. The Gift of Revelation
5. The Great Religious Leaders
6. The Composite Religions
7. The Further Evolution of Religion
93. Machiventa Melchizedek
Machiventa Melchizedek
1. The Machiventa Incarnation
2. The Sage of Salem
3. Melchizedek's Teachings
4. The Salem Religion
5. The Selection of Abraham
6. Melchizedek's Covenant with Abraham
7. The Melchizedek Missionaries
8. Departure of Melchizedek
9. After Melchizedek's Departure
10. Status of Machiventa Melchizedek
94. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient
Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient
1. The Salem Teachings in Vedic India
2. Brahmanism
3. Brahmanic Philosophy
4. The Hindu Religion
5. The Struggle for Truth in China
6. Lao-Tse and Confucius
7. Gautama Siddhartha
8. The Buddhist Faith
9. The Spread of Buddhism
10. Religion in Tibet
11. Buddhist Philosophy
12. The God Concept of Buddhism
95. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant
Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant
1. The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia
2. Early Egyptian Religion
3. Evolution of Moral Concepts
4. The Teachings of Amenemope
5. The Remarkable Ikhnaton
6. The Salem Doctrines in Iran
7. The Salem Teachings in Arabia
96. Yahweh—God of the Hebrews
Yahweh—God of the Hebrews
1. Deity Concepts Among the Semites
2. The Semitic Peoples
3. The Matchless Moses
4. The Proclamation of Yahweh
5. The Teachings of Moses
6. The God Concept After Moses' Death
7. Psalms and the Book of Job
97. Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews
The God Concept Among the Hebrews
1. Samuel—First of the Hebrew Prophets
2. Elijah and Elisha
3. Yahweh and Baal
4. Amos and Hosea
5. The First Isaiah
6. Jeremiah the Fearless
7. The Second Isaiah
8. Sacred and Profane History
9. Hebrew History
10. The Hebrew Religion
98. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident
Melchizedek Teachings, the Occident
1. The Salem Religion Among the Greeks
2. Greek Philosophic Thought
3. The Melchizedek Teachings in Rome
4. The Mystery Cults
5. The Cult of Mithras
6. Mithraism and Christianity
7. The Christian Religion
99. The Social Problems of Religion
The Social Problems of Religion
1. Religion and Social Reconstruction
2. Weakness of Institutional Religion
3. Religion and the Religionist
4. Transition Difficulties
5. Social Aspects of Religion
6. Institutional Religion
7. Religion's Contribution
100. Religion in Human Experience
Religion in Human Experience
1. Religious Growth
2. Spiritual Growth
3. Concepts of Supreme Value
4. Problems of Growth
5. Conversion and Mysticism
6. Marks of Religious Living
7. The Acme of Religious Living
101. The Real Nature of Religion
The Real Nature of Religion
1. True Religion
2. The Fact of Religion
3. The Characteristics of Religion
4. The Limitations of Revelation
5. Religion Expanded by Revelation
6. Progressive Religious Experience
7. A Personal Philosophy of Religion
8. Faith and Belief
9. Religion and Morality
10. Religion as Man's Liberator
102. The Foundations of Religious Faith
The Foundations of Religious Faith
1. Assurances of Faith
2. Religion and Reality
3. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight
4. The Fact of Experience
5. The Supremacy of Purposive Potential
6. The Certainty of Religious Faith
7. The Certitude of the Divine
8. The Evidences of Religion
103. The Reality of Religious Experience
The Reality of Religious Experience
1. Philosophy of Religion
2. Religion and the Individual
3. Religion and the Human Race
4. Spiritual Communion
5. The Origin of Ideals
6. Philosophic Co-ordination
7. Science and Religion
8. Philosophy and Religion
9. The Essence of Religion
104. Growth of the Trinity Concept
Growth of the Trinity Concept
1. Urantian Trinity Concepts
2. Trinity Unity and Deity Plurality
3. Trinities and Triunities
4. The Seven Triunities
5. Triodities
105. Deity and Reality
Deity and Reality
1. The Philosophic Concept of the I AM
2. The I AM as Triune and as Sevenfold
3. The Seven Absolutes of Infinity
4. Unity, Duality, and Triunity
5. Promulgation of Finite Reality
6. Repercussions of Finite Reality
7. Eventuation of Transcendentals
106. Universe Levels of Reality
Universe Levels of Reality
1. Association of Finite Functionals
2. Secondary Supreme Finite Integration
3. Transcendental Tertiary Association
4. Ultimate Quartan Integration
5. Coabsolute or Fifth Phase Association
6. Absolute or Sixth Phase Integration
7. Finality of Destiny
8. The Trinity of Trinities
9. Existential Infinite Unification
107. Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters
Origin and Nature of Adjusters
1. Origin of Thought Adjusters
2. Classification of Adjusters
3. The Divinington Home of Adjusters
4. Nature and Presence of Adjusters
5. Adjuster Mindedness
6. Adjusters as Pure Spirits
7. Adjusters and Personality
108. Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters
Mission and Ministry of Adjusters
1. Selection and Assignment
2. Prerequisites of Adjuster Indwelling
3. Organization and Administration
4. Relation to Other Spiritual Influences
5. The Adjuster's Mission
6. God in Man
109. Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures
Adjusters and Universe Creatures
1. Development of Adjusters
2. Self-Acting Adjusters
3. Relation of Adjusters to Mortal Types
4. Adjusters and Human Personality
5. Material Handicaps to Adjuster's Work
6. The Persistence of True Values
7. Destiny of Personalized Adjusters
110. Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals
Adjusters and Individual Mortals
1. Indwelling the Mortal Mind
2. Adjusters and Human Will
3. Co-operation With the Adjuster
4. The Adjuster's Work in the Mind
5. Erroneous Concepts of Guidance
6. The Seven Psychic Circles
7. The Attainment of Immortality
111. The Adjuster and the Soul
The Adjuster and the Soul
1. The Mind Arena of Choice
2. Natue of the Soul
3. The Evolving Soul
4. The Inner Life
5. The Consecration of Choice
6. The Human Paradox
7. The Adjuster's Problem
112. Personality Survival
Personality Survival
1. Personality and Reality
2. The Self
3. The Phenomenon of Death
4. Adjusters After Death
5. Survival of the Human Self
6. The Morontia Self
7. Adjuster Fusion
113. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny
Seraphic Guardians of Destiny
1. The Guardian Angels
2. The Destiny Guardians
3. Relation to Other Spirit Influences
4. Seraphic Domains of Action
5. Seraphic Ministry to Mortals
6. Guardian Angels After Death
7. Seraphim and the Ascendant Career
114. Seraphic Planetary Government
Seraphic Planetary Government
1. The Sovereignty of Urantia
2. The Board of Planetary Supervisors
3. The Resident Governor General
4. The Most High Observer
5. The Planetary Government
6. Master Seraphim
7. The Reserve Corps of Destiny
115. The Supreme Being
The Supreme Being
1. Relativity of Concept Frames
2. Absolute Basis for Supremacy
3. Original, Actual, and Potential
4. Sources of Supreme Reality
5. Relation to the Paradise Trinity
6. Relation to the Triodities
7. The Nature of the Supreme
116. The Almighty Supreme
The Almighty Supreme
1. The Supreme Mind
2. The Almighty and God the Sevenfold
3. The Almighty and Paradise Deity
4. . . . and the Supreme Creators
5. . . . and the Sevenfold Controllers
6. Spirit Dominance
7. Living Organism of the Grand Universe
117. God the Supreme
God the Supreme
1. Nature of the Supreme Being
2. The Source of Evolutionary Growth
3. Significance to Universe Creatures
4. The Finite God
5. The Oversoul of Creation
6. The Quest for the Supreme
7. The Future of the Supreme
118. Supreme and Ultimate—Time and Space
Supreme and Ultimate
1. Time and Eternity
2. Omnipresence and Ubiquity
3. Time-Space Relationships
4. Primary and Secondary Causation
5. Omnipotence and Compossibility
6. Omnipotence and Omnificence
7. Omniscience and Predestination
8. Control and Overcontrol
9. Universe Mechanisms
10. Functions of Providence
119. The Bestowals of Christ Michael
The Bestowals of Christ Michael
1. The First Bestowal
2. The Second Bestowal
3. The Third Bestowal
4. The Fourth Bestowal
5. The Fifth Bestowal
6. The Sixth Bestowal
7. The Seventh and Final Bestowal
8. Michael's Postbestowal Status
Next; Part 4: The Life and Teachings of Jesus